COVID-19 Message
As I write this, I am practicing self isolation at home. Unfortunately, I got very sick in february with a respiratory disease and my doctor wants to do more tests to find out if I have asthma, which would mean I have to be a lot more careful during the COVID-19 spread. Starting today all sessions will be offered [...]
Online Hypnosis sessions during COVID-19 (Corona Virus)
So many things have changed since last week as I write this post. The world has suddenly become a seemingly scary place and now we need to practice social distancing as a measure to "flaten the curve" and spread of this virus. Public places have closed down, schools, and now our Prime Minister is considering closing our borders too. This [...]
Hypnosis for Fear of Public Speaking
Fear of Public Speaking is the number one fear in the world, after Fear of Death. You read that right. How is it possible that some people stress so much about speaking in public that they shake, sweat, breath heavily and get paralyzed to the point that they can't talk? All of these are symptoms of intense fear or what [...]
Weight Loss with Hypnosis
"Don't you want to see what happens if you don't give up?" Fabiola Miguel I have been able to keep a healthy weight over the years thanks not only to a very healthy plant-based diet but also to a workout routine that I follow. Weight loss is not as difficult as everybody thinks. Do you know what I [...]
Affirmations as a Complementary Practice to Hypnosis
Affirmations are positive statements about the things that we want to attract and manifest into our lives. They work through the principle of repetition, anything that you think about over and over eventually has the power to become true whether good or bad. It is proven that affirmations can also help lift mood and help replace negative thoughts with more [...]
Hypnosis for Porn Habits
I was recently asked if I do hypnosis for porn habits like watching porn videos and movies. While some people do it once in a while, others do this as an urge that might almost seem an addiction. How do you know if you need to do something about it? You need to ask yourself if it's affecting your life: [...]