Free things you can do to reduce the symptoms of Stress and Anxiety

During this pandemic Anxiety levels have been through the roof. But there are many natural things you can do to reduce the symptoms. I think medication has a place but it doesn’t necessarily have to be the first or only thing you do. If you are having severe anxiety or panic attacks you should definitely see your family doctor. However, many times you can make lifestyle adjustments that can help you feel much better.

1.- Quit or reduce caffeine to one cup a day.

While it’s true that coffee has antioxidants and beneficial compounds, it’s also not the best thing to consume if you suffer from anxiety. In many people, coffee can really increase cortisol levels which would only make your adrenals work even harder. Reduce it gradually and replace it with turmeric or matcha lattes, teeccino (which takes similar to coffee but it’s main ingredient is chicory and contains no caffeine) or even mushroom coffees (check out the four sigmatic brand). Or drink herbal teas, these days the alternatives are many. it might take you a few weeks to completely quit coffee or just drink one cup in the morning if you really enjoy it.

2.- Exercise or do physical activities everyday.

Some say that exercise is the cheapest anti-depressant and anti-anxiety fix. But you have to do it consistently. It doesn’t matter if it’s walking or anything that gets you moving as long as you are consistent and make it part of your daily activities. Exercise helps to release endorphines in the brain and helps balance mood.

3.- Quit sugar!

Yes, you heard that right. There’s a lot of evidence that sugar causes inflammation in the body and brain. Inflammation has been linked to depression. A sugar rush can be similar to the symptoms of panic attack sometimes and it makes anxiety symptoms worse. The only sugar we really need is the natural sugar from fruits and vegetables, try eating dates or grapes if you crave something sweet and buy a reputable brand of natural stevia if you need to sweeten your drinks or desserts. You may have to quit gradually if this has been a long time habit for you. if you are addicted to drinking sodas or sweets consider Hypnosis to kick this habit.

4.– Try square breathing.

This is super easy. Just inhale for 4, hold your breath for 4, exhale for 4 and wait for 4 seconds before taking another breath, over time you can increase the number of seconds. Do it 2-3 times a day for 3-5 minutes.

5.- Stop watching the news

Or anything that raises your cortisol levels like horror movies, crime tv shows, etc. Instead watch comedies and inspiring movies. Laugh everyday!

6.- Practice Gratitude

it’s easy and simple. Think of 5-10 things that you are grateful for. Even the simple things like having the device you are using to read this information.

If you have anxiety or panic attacks consider seeing your doctor to rule out a hormonal problem or other medical condition. Hypnosis is a complementary modality to any medical treatment you might be following.

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