Hypnosis for Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD, ADHD)

Hypnosis in itself can be a really relaxing experience which requires a state of focused attention. Sometimes I get clients suffering from Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD, ADHD) who think they cannot get hypnotized since they cannot relax or focus. This has not been my experience. I have on the contrary found that, for the most part, these people are usually intelligent, bright individuals who are able to get into hypnosis and follow the instructions without issues. Sometimes I need to adjust and work a little faster so I don’t lose their attention or give their minds a chance to wander during the session. I also make the session more interactive to keep their attention.

hypnosis ADD and ADHD, concentrationAfter been in practice for so many years now, I find interesting that, while it’s true that there’s usually a genetic component or family history of ADD, there’s also a history of stress, trauma, anxiety of some sort during childhood. If you have ADD or if you know someone that has ADD I recommend the book “Scattered Minds” by Gabor Mate. While we cannot fix genes, at least not yet, we can focus on the environmental aspects that caused or contributed to the development of this condition. We all have genes that can turn on and off depending on the circumstances and experiences we go through. Genes are a small part of the puzzle.

With Hypnosis, Life style changes and coaching I help my clients become more organized, motivated and focused to do their daily activities. Stress management and relaxation are also part of my program. Many sufferers of ADD have many dreams, goals and projects that continue to wait due to their procrastination. My goal is to help these amazing people also feel more confident and empowered in the fact that they can take control over their lives and make positive changes that lead to the realization of such goals and dreams.

I highly recommend to most of my clients in general to get off sugar and artificial colors and flavors, and to reduce pollutants at home as much as possible. These things can sometimes aggravate the problem. Eating a whole foods diet, as natural as possible and doing physical activities can be beneficial too. Keeping a regular schedule, a daily planner and reminders are essential.

Hypnosis and Coaching can be complementary tools to any medical treatment you might be following. Please speak to your doctor to get a diagnosis.

Please contact me to find out how I can help 905-277-1113 info@fabiolamiguel.com

Online sessions available anywhere in the world

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