Hypnosis, Life Coaching and NLP by Fabiola Miguel
Confidence and Self-Esteem
- Can you imagine what your life would be like if you had all the confidence needed to succeed?
- Can you imagine always having the courage to stand up for yourself?
- Can you imagine feeling strong and confident when you need to speak up?
- What would your life be like you had the strenght to put yourself first and say NO when you need to say NO to others?
- Would your relationships be better?
- Would you perform better at work?
- Would you be happier?

I believe I have never met anyone so far who wouldn’t like to have more confidence and self-esteem. The truth is that we can all use more of that. However, if you believe that the lack of confidence and self-esteem has been affecting your life and has prevented you from achieving your goals and moving forward, it means it’s time to take control over your life!
Nobody is born with low confidence or self-esteem. When we are growing up, we develop our belief system according to our life experiences and our environment. It would be nice if everyone could grow up in a good, safe, loving and supporting environment, surrounded by people who can always give us a great example and encourage us to succeed. But, that is not always the case for many people.
This belief system becomes a habit overtime and it is difficult to change since it can be deeply rooted in the subconscious mind. Hypnotherapy is an effective solution to get to the root of the problem and establish new healthy positive behaviors and new ways of thinking and reacting to problems and situations.
I truly believe that all human beings have the capacity to change and improve when they receive the support, guidance and tools needed to do it. You deserve to succeed!
- FREE Consultation
- Beautiful Location in Port Credit
- Personalized One on One Sessions
- Complimentary support by phone or email in between sessions
- Complimentary mp3 Hypnotherapy audio with your session
- Short-term therapy for Long Lasting results!
- Non-judgmental and compassionate approach
- Flexible Hours
Call for a FREE consultation and learn how hypnosis can help you improve your life!
905-277-1113 | info@fabiolamiguel.com
New Life Hypnotherapy Services – Fabiola Miguel, Certified Hypnotist and NLP practitioner in Mississauga and the GTA area.
Our offices for Hypnosis services are located in south Mississauga and we are conveniently located in the GTA area within one hour distance from: Brampton, Milton, Oakville, Hamilton, Burlington, Caledon, Georgetown, Orangeville, King City, Vaughn, Markham, Newmarket, Nobleton, North York, Toronto, Unionville, and Woodbridge.