One of the keys of happiness and living a long life is having good relationships in life. Some even say that the quality of your relationships determines the quality of your life and even your health. Sometimes we have toxic relationships in our families, other times we bring those relationships into our lives as a friendship, work or partner.
What defines a toxic relationship?
Any kind of relationship that drains your energy and leaves you feeling guilty, angry, inadequate, sad or anxious. The toxic person will use tactics like manipulation, control, gas lighting, overreacting, etc. And in most cases they will make themselves appear the victim. For more information on the type of toxic relationships: https://healthscopemag.com/health-scope/toxic-relationships/
What can you do if you are in a toxic relationship?
The best thing you can do is distance yourself from that person or cut ties. If it’s difficult for you to do this because they are a family member or employer, then consider keeping contact to a minimum.
Hypnosis can help you increase your confidence, self-esteem, stress management and emotional intelligence to reduce the negative effects of dealing with that person. Part of the coaching process includes learning how to set healthy boundaries in relationships, saying no more often, prioritize your well-being and be more assertive.
If you decide to end that relationship, you can be sure that you will be making more room in your life for positive people who care about you sincerely and support you in achieving your goals and dreams.
Some of the reasons people get stuck in toxic relationships:
- Thinking that because they are family or someone with authority you need to continue to let them hurt you
- Thinking you will be alone and nobody is perfect after all
- Thinking that you deserve to be treated that way (consciously or subconsciously)
- Thinking maybe they will change (trust me, people never change unless they see a professional and are super committed)
- Financial or family reasons (children involved or the toxic person is a sick parent who needs you)
Toxic relationships can suck the joy and motivation out of your life and leave you feeling exhausted. Focus on increasing your well-being so that later on you can decide what to do about that relationship.
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Fabiola Miguel is a certified Hypnotist, life coach and holistic nutritionist in the Greater Toronto Area.