Hypnosis for Sports Performance

Hypnosis for Sports Performance by Fabiola MIguel
Did you know Hypnosis is a great mental coaching performance tool to improve your game, results, score, confidence, concentration, motivation, control pain and more? Over the years I’ve helped a lot of people improve their golf game, hockey, baseball, basketball game, getting ready for competitions and more. Every Sport is 80 percent mental and 20 percent physical.
I use a combination of visualization, deep breathing, positive suggestions and advanced hypnosis to get to the root of the problem if the athlete is experiencing self-limiting beliefs, negative thougths, self-doubt or anxiety in certain situations or before a competition.
In many cases those limiting beliefts can come from past childhood experiences or negative events that stayed in the subconscious mind. It is important for the client/athlete to explain everything about the problem to succesfully to treat it. Hypnosis coaching for sports is as important or in some cases even more important than physical training since many people who come to me already have tons of practice, experience, techniques, etc. and what they need is a mental performance coach who can help them develop greater confidence, focus, relaxation when needed, motivation and tools to achieve their full potential.
I offer a free consultation to know more, let’s chat: 905-277-1113 info@fabiolamiguel.com
Fabiola Miguel is a Certified Hypnotist, Life Coach and Holistic Nutritionist with a passion for healthy lifestyle in practice since 2004.