Online Hypnosis sessions during COVID-19 (Corona Virus)

So many things have changed since last week as I write this post. The world has suddenly become a seemingly scary place and now we need to practice social distancing as a measure to “flaten the curve” and spread of this virus. Public places have closed down, schools, and now our Prime Minister is considering closing our borders too. This is definitely something we hadn’t been through before, or at least not in Canada and at a global scale.

At the moment, I am reminding all my clients that I do offer Zoom/Skype Sessions and that they are just as effective as in person and some people even enjoy the convenience of not having to commute. All you need is a quiet comfortable place and fast internet. I even offer a Free consultation on Skype so people get a sense of what it’s like to do this. This is the time to protect your mindset. We have no control over when this virus will go away, the weather, the economy and such. But we do have control over our thoughts, feelings and how we react to the situations in our lives.

This might also be the perfect time to work on yourself, try some meditation, hypnosis, read books, practice gratitude and journaling, and stay as active as possible. Go to a forest and walk, take better care of yourself and recharge your energies.

I am offering a 30 dollar discount on your first Online Hypnosis session if you would like to give it a try and remember that consultation is free.

Stay safe and positive, this will pass and good times are ahead!

Fabiola Miguel

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