Hypnosis for resolving Procrastination can be an effective tool to resolve this bad habit.

Procrastination is a very common habit for many people. I don’t know anyone who has never procrastinated on something. But when procrastination gets in the way of our goals and dreams or when it affects our personal or professional lives, it can be a problem. Procrastination can affect your professional and personal life, or if you are a student, it can cause a lot of unnecessary stress when you try to study and cram all that information at the last minute.
The truth is that we tend to procrastinate more on the activities that we believe to be painful or boring. For example, many people file their taxes last minute because they want to delay the pain of having to pay taxes, or the pain of having to deal with all the paperwork.
Procrastinating on important tasks becomes a habit over time and it can be very stressful, because even when you want to forget that “you have to do something” it’s still in the back of your mind.
Tips to overcome procrastination:
1.- Get organized and set your priorities straight.
Decide what you need to get done sooner. Please stop working on many things and trying to finish everything at the same time. Sometimes it’s better to concentrate on finishing one thing at a time. it’s also important to learn to be organized. An organized home/office/home always helps to have a clear mind, to find things more easily and save time.
2.- Schedule it and set a deadline
Always put it in writing, get a calendar and decide when you need to start and finish such task.
3.- Eliminate distractions and manage your time more efficiently
I know too many people who spend time on emails, texting, facebook, the internet or twitter and then say they have no time for this or that. Eliminate the useless and/or meaningless tasks in your life or reduce the amount of time you spend on them during the day.
4.- Reward yourself everything you finish an important project and complete a task.
But please find positive, good ways to do this. Watch a movie, read a good book or a magazine, call a friend, take a walk at the park. Make this a ritual so that you get used to getting a “prize” when you are good
5.- If all fails, get some professional help.
I know a lot of people who put off not only the important things, but also making their dreams come true. If this is your case, you could benefit from getting to the core of the problem to find out what’s behind this behavior. Some people think it’s fear of failure, and yes, it could due to that, but also due to many other factors and negative programming from childhood. Hypnotherapy is very effective to overcome procrastination, increase confidence, self-esteem, motivation and optimism to achieve your goals. It’s very important to get professional help so you don’t waste any more time and start working on what matters and making your dreams come true today!
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905-277-1113 | info@fabiolamiguel.com
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Fabiola Miguel, Certified Hypnotist, Holistic Nutritionist and NLP practitioner in Mississauga and the GTA area.
Our offices for Hypnosis services are located in south Mississauga and we are conveniently located in the GTA area within one hour distance from: Brampton, Milton, Oakville, Hamilton, Burlington, Caledon, Georgetown, Orangeville, King City, Vaughn, Markham, Newmarket, Nobleton, North York, Toronto, Unionville, and Woodbridge.