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10 minute Deep Relaxation Hypnosis Session
Happiness, Health and Abundance Affirmations Audio
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Fabiola Miguel is a Certified Hypnotist, Holistic Nutritionist and Life Coach. Online and in person sessions available at her office in Mississauga, Ontario. Only a short drive from Toronto, Brampton, Oakville, Etobicoke and surrounding areas. Email: Tel 905-277-1113

Fabiola Miguel, Certified Hypnotist, Coach and Holistic Nutritionist
Are you experiencing Pandemic Anxiety?
Do you have trouble dealing with Stress or uncertainty?
Do you have trouble sleeping?
Are you an emotional eater?
Do you suffer from Chronic pain?
Do you have irrational fears, like fear of driving, fear of needles, fear of going to the dentist, etc?
Did you know that Hypnosis and Coaching can help with these issues and more?
Would like to feel more relaxed and happier?
Would like to eliminate unwanted bad habits?
Would like to increase Confidence and Self-esteem?
Would like to lose some weight?
Would like to have more clarity in your life?
Would you like to improve your relationships?
Hypnosis is a safe and relaxing tool to help you take control over your life
I’ve been in practice since 2004 and I enjoy helping people all over the world reach their Personal, Professional and Wellness goals. You have nothing to lose! Just as we get help to remodel/fix our homes, we can also get help to remodel/fix our lives!
Subscribe and Get access to:
10 minute Deep Relaxation Hypnosis Session
Happiness, Health and Abundance Affirmations Audio
And a Free Online Discovery Call with me!
Privacy Policy: You are also agreeing to be on my email list. We will not share your address with anymore and you are welcome to unsubscribe at any time.
Fabiola Miguel is a Certified Hypnotist, Holistic Nutritionist and Life Coach. Online and in person sessions available at her office in Mississauga, Ontario. Only a short drive from Toronto, Brampton, Oakville, Etobicoke and surrounding areas. Email: Tel 905-277-1113